Explore new frontiers of fishing with this datapack!
Progression system! Fish up new armor pieces, all part of the Fisherman's Set to climb your way through the ranks
Catch live creatures loaded with goodies using this new enchantment. Some are useful in more ways than just slaying them...
Use this enchantment to not only fish up loot crates, but encourages fishers to explore and find rare structures to be able to fish up loot crates that let you collect armor trims!
This enchantment unlocks the ability to fish in lava, and combines with the other enchantments for an entire new dimension of fishing! The overworld has some lava loot, but the nether is the main place for lava fishing!
Rumors tell of an enchantment only the most dedicated fisherman are able to fish up, will you find it?
You may encounter fishing rods with enhanced Lure enchantments on them, letting you fish faster than before, the maximum that can come up is Lure 5, but be careful when combining it with other rods! If the other rod has lure, the level will be clamped to 3 in the resulting rod!
Advancement-based tutorial: This datapack uses advancements to guide players through their fishing journey, check it for the most up-to-date info and tips!
Planet minecraft link: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/fishing-frontier/
Modrinth Link: https://modrinth.com/datapack/fishing-frontier
Performance: This datapack shouldn't have any real impact on tick lag at all, as it only should be performing any real logic when fishing is occurring, and I've tried my best to only perform logic when needed, hope this is a lag-free pack!
Credit to minecraft-heads.com for some custom mob heads!